For the past few months, I've lived between two worlds as I've tried to replicate the life I left behind with the one ahead of me. Recent developments have made me question WHY. Why haven't I seized the opportunity to try something new, something I've been dreaming of doing once I'm back in this part of the world, but which I'd laid aside - in return for stability and sometimes out of necessity - when I was younger? The bottom line is I've been afraid. Afraid of risking failure by stepping out of my comfort zone. Afraid to trust in something greater than myself. Afraid to define success as it could be rather than what others think it should be for me.
On that note, thanks to friends and family who have encouraged and inspired me to take the plunge this year and to appreciate the "might" of our dreams. I'll fill you all in once I decide - which should be soon (hopefully). Also, special congrats to Sudhir and Carolyn on your new jobs. You do us all proud!