Sunday, August 05, 2007

You are the weakest tooth - goodbye!

Saw the dentist this weekend as I'd been meaning to check on my wisdom teeth. I'd been operating on the "if it's not bothering you, don't bother it" motto but alas, the good doctor informed me that one of them was impacted and the time has come for it to go. Of course since then, the hubby's been terrifying me with wisdom tooth horror stories: Extractions gone wrong that turned into mini operations, multiple anaesthetic injections to the gums when the first ones didn't work, and other unspeakable anecdotes that I'm fairly sure are completely made up. Thanks, hon. Just what I needed! *snark*

Anyways, let me know of any GOOD wisdom tooth stories, yes? Meanwhile, I'll do my research (aka wikipedia), eat all I want from now till Wednesday, and stack up on comfort food and entertainment for my (hopefully short) "recovery" time. Wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

Had mine removed many years ago. Can't really say that things had gone smoothly. Ended up with some nerve damage to one section of my jaw. Looking at the glass half full, it made any future canker sore or dry lip injury seem meaningless around that area. I simply didn't feel it. After many years, some measure of feeling has returned. However, don't let that frighten you. The pain is only temporary. The only advice I have is that if you're going to get your wisdom teeth pulled, do them ALL at one time. You really don't want to return for Round 2.

Unknown said...

Yikes! That's nasty. Mine went pretty well. Had some stiches as the wisdom tooth was a wee stubborn (goes with old age, I guess ;)). No problems now - helps to have a great dentist.