Sunday, June 24, 2007

Balancing star power with politics and fun

To me, good entertainment stretches the imagination and even tactfully raises socially relevant issues. As for actors, the ones that stand out not only excel as entertainers, but are self-aware and committed to both their families and craft.

No surprise then that I'm a huge supporter of movies such as Hotel Rwanda and The Constant Gardener ... apart from our sci-fi and action collections, of course ;). "Stars" like The Dixie Chicks, Bono and Angelina Jolie are also some of my favourite celebrities because of their willingness to lend their support for great causes.

That said, being in the spotlight isn't enough. It takes subtlety, humility, skill and effort to pull this off right. A recent American Chronicles article discusses how "a star's political views, or how they go about expressing those views, can quickly distinguish the light that allows a star to shine on worthy causes," constrasting the successes of Hotel Rwanda and Blood Diamond with that of Syriana and Babel.

The author also wrote a fun premise on the next action hero which sci-fi fans, esp. those who watch Stargate and Farscape, would appreciate. Read some excerpts here.

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