Saturday, June 09, 2007

Anniversary dinners and pillow talk

Hubby and I celebrated our 2nd year anniversary a few days back. Being married virgins (hmmm, that didn't come across quite right), I always wonder what couples talk about over the big anniversary dinner. Maybe something like this... or NOT!

M = man, W = woman:
M: Interesting restaurant you've chosen.
W: Nice with a change, don't you think?
M: Of course. (After awkward smile) How long has it been?
W: 38 years.
M: Time flies.
W: Honey, what would you do if I passed away? Would you remarry?
M: No. Definitely not.
W: Why not? Don't you like being married?
M: Sure, of course.
W: So why wouldn't you remarry?
M: OK, so I guess I would get married again.
W: You would? Would you live with her in our house? Would you replace pictures of me with hers? Would you sleep with her in our bed?

It can only go downhill from there. Check out the full scene here:


Dzeniferka said...

Congratulations to you and your lovely hubby... I can still remember when you two met while we were in NYC that summer of internships :). All the best to the both of you and may your conversations about golf clubs go much, much better!

Unknown said...

It's great to still have you and that motley crew around after all these years! As for golf, most couples have their worst fights on the course (we've definitely had our fair share) - but this conversation goes way beyond par ;)

Unknown said...

Actually, in hindsight, filing married couple taxes (when you're abroad, with multiple residences) is also another recipe for disaster.